
Even the youngest babies are curious explorers of their new and wondrous world.  Parent/infant classes are designed to start the baby off with a safe environment where they are free to explore to their hearts’ content.  They are joined with other children in their same developmental range and allowed to interact freely with one another. 

When limits must be set I will demonstrate respectful limit setting and emotionally nurturing conflict resolution.  Parents are given a safe relaxed environment to bring up questions they might have or challenges they face at home.  Because each family situation is different there are no “one size fits all” solutions, so we work together to find a respectful and mindful approach that works for your individual circumstance. 

One of the most important aspects of Parent/Infant class is that you get a chance to see the respectful parenting methods in practice.  Reading the books and blogs on respectful  parenting  is wonderful.  You can learn so much about the principles and the reasoning behind each idea, but it might be hard to understand the practical application of these ideas into your daily life at home.  Parent/Infant Class lets you see respectful parenting principles in action. 

What does class look like?  Each class is an hour and a half long.  That being said, if your child plays hard for 45 minutes and is simply done, you are encouraged to listen to them and go get ready for nap.  On the other hand, if your child is having a great nap and you need to leave for class, just wait.  We won’t care if you are late.  The point is, the child’s needs will be put first in this class.  When you come to class you and your child will take of your shoes in the entrance area and then come into the play space.  You and your child will sit down on the floor or on a pillow and when the child is ready they can go play.


For the smaller infants the parents will look for signs like the infant looking around and reaching for other things, then the parent can lay them on the mat where they will find items to explore and other children to interact with.  For the older children they will simply wait in your lap until they decide to get up and explore.  There are comfortable places to nurse in the entrance area as well as a place to change diapers.  So in case any other needs arise they can be taken care of. 

When the class starts there is typically a period of easing in time where the parents talk a bit and the children transition.  After some time has passed and the children are engaged in their environment we will have 30 minutes or so of quiet observation.  Sensitive observation is one of the key principles to the RIE approach.  It is essential to understanding your child’s needs.    I may request this time or it might just happen on its own.  After observation time we will discuss what we saw and what questions might arise from that. 

In the classes where the children can all sit up on there own I will offer a snack of banana and water.  This snack time is an ideal time for parents to see respectful limit setting in action as well as cooperation between adult and children.  It is my favorite part. 

After snack time there is more time to discuss whatever issues each family might have.  When the hour and a half is almost up I will begin to clean up the toys signaling to the children that a transition is coming and it is almost time to go home.   When the toys are picked up everyone will get their shoes on and go home, to return the next week and play with their friends. 





Classes are currently being held online only due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

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